Luxury fashion brand Gucci was founded in 1921. Since those times it has been worldly known as the brand with a good reputation for producing extremely popular top quality stylish products. Their greatly deluxe range of designer sunglasses and eyeglasses is a certainly improvement!
The season 2012 has been presented with a huge quantity of campaigns and collections. As an example Gucci makes a promise to ecological responsibility by restarted their new eco-friendly packaging and a variety of elegant sunglasses made from liquid wood, a fully ecological material that has never been used before to create a pair of stunning frames! The new truly exclusive fashion eyewear case is foldable, which cleverly minimizes stock space.
The new fashion Gucci eyewear collection has been fashionably created using liquid wood instead of the plastic that is commonly used to make eyewear. Liquid wood material is made from wood fiber from managed forests and natural wax and is much better for the environment!